Thoroughly check which standards should be followed for polyurethane casters


Thoroughly check the standards for the polyurethane casters. Before the construction, look at the composition of the mobile polyurethane casters. The standard polyurethane casters are made of bamboo, wood and steel for the scaffolding. Of course, there are also slewing fasteners, right-angle fasteners, butt fasteners, and core fasteners.
When using polyurethane casters, the key to building polyurethane casters is the suspension point. Both the pre-embedded rebar ring and the through-wall bolt method must have sufficient strength and safety. When re-used, the steel frame should be carefully inspected. Often, when the steel frame is removed, the steel frame is thrown down from a high place, causing partial breakage or deformation, which must be repaired before use. When the outer side of the polyurethane caster is hung, it must be closed with a dense eye. It is dangerous to install and remove the polyurethane caster. It is necessary to use experienced shelf workers and professional training personnel to ensure safety. A protective layer shall be provided at the bottom of the polyurethane caster to prevent a falling accident in the working layer.
Thoroughly inspect the built-in polyurethane casters before use to ensure that all equipment instructions are followed.
Second, before the construction of the mobile polyurethane casters, it is necessary to ensure that the soil of the construction site is flat and sturdy, and then the wooden scaffolding board can be laid and the base poles can be placed. The wooden scaffolding boards should be firmly grounded so that the foundation can be laid.
Third, when building, the brakes of the casters must be braked, and the level must be adjusted;
Fourth, after the basic foundation is prepared, the mobile polyurethane casters can be built. Pay attention to the use of the butt fasteners on the poles. The joints of the adjacent rods cannot be set in the synchronous and cross-over, but should be staggered. .
Fifth, the brakes when moving the casters must be loosened, the lower end of the outer support must be off the ground, and it is strictly forbidden to move when there are people on the polyurethane casters.